Direct Support Professional (Certificate)

Start your career as a direct support professional at JCC

The Direct Support Professional certificate at Jamestown Community College prepares you to enter the workforce as a DSP. Direct support professionals are in high demand in western New York and across New York state. Many factors are driving the urgent need for DSPs, including continuing deinstitutionalization, longer lifespans for people with disabilities, and the recognition that people with disabilities are vital members of the community.

What does a direct support professional do?

As a direct support professional, you’ll help people needing support, including people with physical and developmental disabilities and the elderly, to recognize their full potential and to live active and more independent lives. A DSP also helps clients and their families navigate social and medical services, so they can live their best lives in the community.

What will JCC’s program teach you?

JCC’s Direct Support Professional certificate provides a strong foundation in community health work and human services, with courses focusing on client care, crisis intervention, and life conditions. As a part of the program, you’ll work with a DSP coach who will support you with coursework and obtaining national accreditation.

By completing JCC’s three DSP microcredentials, you will earn the Direct Support Professional certificate and qualify for certification through the National Alliance of Direct Support Professionals (NADSP).

Eligibility requirements

  • High school diploma or equivalent
  • Currently employed as a Direct Support Professional

Where to study at JCC

Program pathway

Microcredentials available in this program: Direct Support Professional microcredentials

This program can stack into: Human Services A.S. degree | Individual Studies A.S. degree

Semester 1

Requirements Met

COH 1400: Fundamentals of Client Care


ENG 1510: English Composition I


HUS 1210: Introduction to Human Services

  • COH 1400: When you register, we’ll work with you to see if your work experience can count toward the on-campus course.

Semester 2

Requirements Met

HUS 1350: Crisis Intervention


HUS 1410: Generalist Practice Skills


PSY 1510: General Psychology


COH 2010: Direct Support Professional Internship II


Semester 3

Requirements Met

HUS 2230: Interviewing and Counseling


OTA 1520: Human Conditions Across the Lifespan


ANT 2550/SOC 2550: Introduction to Dis/Ability Studies


COH 1020: Direct Support Professional Internship


Direct support professional skills

After you complete the program, you will be able to:

  • Develop the skills necessary to become a Direct Support Professional.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the ethics of the profession.
  • Demonstrate understanding of how the principles of rights, access, equity, and autonomy apply to social justice action, past, current, or future.